
Welcome to the first issue of Rounding Third, the once-a-month newsletter from the folks behind Ballpark. As a product, Ballpark solves the problems we’ve had to overcome as a growing creative agency, and this newsletter is meant to reflect our commitment to help growing agencies like ours learn faster and get better at running their business.

Since this is the first issue, allow us to give a short explanation of the categories (I hope you enjoy our heavy-handed jokes):

  • Inside Baseball is where we'll share what we worked on this month on the product side of life.
  • Water Cooler is company culture and other fun stuff we're talking about at Simple Focus.
  • Moneyball links are about running a business (and usually about running an agency in particular).
  • Tools of the Trade is a spotlight on apps and digital products we use at our agency on a daily basis.
  • Pushing the Pixels and Git Push, Git Paid are straight from the designer and developer team Slack channels.
  • Inspirational Things are exactly what they sound like. More specifically, these websites are inspirational in their UI, UX, or they're just downright pretty to look at.

Alright, enough explanation. Onward!

Calvin and The Ballpark Team  

Inside Baseball

Water Cooler


Tools of the Trade

Pushing the Pixels

Git Push, Git Paid

Inspirational Things


That's it for June! If you have a friend or twenty that you think would enjoy this newsletter, give us a shoutout on Twitter or send them to http://newsletter.getballpark.com.

If you have any links you'd like to see in this newsletter, you can send them our way by filling out this form.

See you in July!

Ballpark Newsletter